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NFPA 130 - Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems

At VTEC Laboratories, we specialize in fire safety testing for railway systems and other industrial applications. Maintaining a constant level of safety and performance is critical when it comes to transporting passengers over a railway system, so it's important to have the resources necessary to prevent fire hazards and manage fires if they occur.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 130 is the standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems. Fast-track your fire protection and safety efforts for rail systems by maintaining compliance with the NFPA 130 code.

Our NFPA testing services are designed to help you enhance cable and wiring safety for transit and passenger rail systems. We can help ensure that rail system operators and staff are prepared to protect their passengers from smoke and flames in the event of a fire. Request a quote today.

What Is the NFPA 130 Insulated Materials Test?

The NFPA insulated materials test is designed to determine whether a set of rail system components meets NFPA 130 requirements.

When we conduct one of these tests on an electrical or fiber optic cable, we expose the cable to a flame source and then assess the amount of damage sustained. This procedure will provide insight into the cable's durability and the likelihood of heavy damage during a fire.

The NFPA is constantly updating its standards for rail systems, and we ensure that our tests reflect the most recent code requirements. We even offer custom options for many of our tests, which allows us to provide special solutions for industry leaders who have unique specifications.

What Are the NFPA 130 Testing Requirements?

NFPA has set a range of safety standards for various applications and environments. NFPA 130 governs the types of materials, material safety properties and potential fire hazards in rail systems.

NFPA 130 provides protection and life-safety requirements materials in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Underground rail systems
  • Surface and elevated fixed guideway transit
  • Passenger rail systems
  • Train ways
  • Railway storage facilities, stations, emergency ventilation systems
  • Communication and control systems

These settings aim to make realistic provisions for safety in the case of fire — a crucial component for applications involving passengers. Selecting materials that perform well during NFPA testing promotes safety in emergencies.

How Is the NFPA 130 Material Test Performed?

NFPA 130 requires testing for flammability, combustibility and smoke production. All materials are tested at surface level to ensure no flaming, running or dripping occurs and establish maximum test limits for smoke emission.

Tests are performed on:

  • Cushioning: Surface flammability and smoke density are evaluated for seat cushions, mattresses, armrests, crash pads and grab rail padding.
  • Fabrics: Burning behavior and smoke density of seat upholstery, curtains, drapes, window shades, woven seat cushion suspensions and mattress covers and ticking are tested.
  • Other vehicle components: Smoke density and flammability of wall and ceiling lining, toilet components, trays and tables, shelves, partitions, seat and mattress frames, signage, end caps and other combustible materials are tested.
  • Insulation: Thermal and acoustic insulation is tested for flammability and smoke density.
  • HVAC ducting: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts are checked for surface flammability and smoke density.
  • Floor covering: Floor covers must be tested for critical radiant flux and smoke density.
  • Windows: Transparent plastic windscreens, light diffusers and windows must be tested for flammability and smoke density.
  • Adhesives and sealants: All adhesive substances on the rail system must be checked for smoke density and surface flammability.
  • Elastomers: Roof mats, door nosings, seat cushion suspension, window gaskets and intercar diaphragms must be tested for flame propagation and smoke density.
  • Wire and cables: All wires and cables must comply with NFPA 262, IEEE 1202 or UL1685 smoke and flame testing standards.

To pass testing, all materials must have a high moisture tolerance and temperature ratings of 90 degrees Celsius.

How Long Does NFPA 130 Testing Take?

VTEC Laboratories prioritizes fast turnaround times for NFPA 130 testing to keep your productivity levels high. Compliance testing takes two weeks, but we offer customized testing and rush services for specific test requests.

Why Partner With VTEC for NFPA 130 Testing?

Working in the testing field since 1982, VTEC has built partnerships with business owners and manufacturers in multiple industries. Our range of ISO, military and DOT accreditations gives us the flexibility we need to conduct tests that support leading industry standards. Whether you need testing solutions for fire safety, chemical safety or material quality, we offer a testing or inspection option that can help you maintain compliance.

VTEC is one of the leading international commercial testing services. We offer reliable NFPA 130 testing and:

  • Experienced transit experts: Fire safety is a non-negotiable factor in transportation and manufacturing markets, which is why it's so important to remain up to date and understand the limits of your equipment. Our engineers perform custom tests and design machinery for those tests. With the help of our extensive experience, you can reduce fire safety risks and save lives during emergencies.
  • Broad testing infrastructure: We are a multifunctional company with many testing services. We have the expertise to assist you with transit fire and flammability testing.
  • Range of accreditations: VTEC holds various accreditations as an inspection body, product certification body and accredited laboratory.
  • Personalized service: We offer various customized testing services to meet your needs.
  • Fast turnarounds: VTEC also offers fast turnaround times for tests to help you maximize job productivity. While most of our tests take approximately two weeks to

Train at the station platform

Prioritize Safety and Request a Quote Today

NFPA 130 compliance testing is ideal for business leaders who are looking for cost-effective ways to assess rail system safety. If you want to help maximize the safety of passengers and staff on your railway system, we'll provide the support you need with our reliable and efficient NFPA 130 testing services.

VTEC specializes in fire safety testing of railway systems. With a range of ISO, military and DOT accreditations, tests conducted align with leading industry requirements. Get started with cost-effective and reliable NFPA 130 compliance testing.

Feel free to contact us online or request a quote when you're ready to learn more about our testing options.

Learn More About VTEC Services

At VTEC Laboratories, our role as a multi-functional company stems from our more than three decades of experience. Due to our extensive expertise in multiple industries, we provide comprehensive services that meet each field’s unique standards, needs and objectives.

Learn more about our services by contacting us online or calling us at (718) 542-8248.