FMVSS 302 Test Lab
The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 302
A flammability testing standard designed to evaluate materials used in occupant compartments of motor vehicles, FMVSS 302 ensures these components have the appropriate level of burn resistance for optimal vehicle safety. Since vehicle fires may result from something as simple as a cigarette spark, it is crucial that the materials used in occupant compartments meet an established standard for flame and heat resistance.
In 1969, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) assessed the data and determined that over 100,000 vehicle fires per year began in the occupant compartments. Consequently, they decided to establish a safety regulation concerning vehicle interiors. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 302 was instituted in 1971.
FMVSS 302 establishes an acceptable burn rate for materials to be used in vehicle interiors. Components that comply with this standard burn slower and with less heat, reducing the severity of occupant injuries and providing them with more time to evacuate the vehicle.

VTEC Laboratories for Your FMVSS 302 Testing Needs
VTEC Laboratories has been operating since 1982, and we offer some of the most comprehensive testing services available today. We have performed commercial testing, listing, labeling and inspection services for companies around the globe, and our U.S. contracts include the U.S. Navy, the New York City Department of Transportation and the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.
If you need to ensure a product's compliance with ISO standards, industry safety regulations or Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, we have the testing and reporting capabilities to get it done quickly and correctly.
Our FMVSS 302 tester uses a stainless steel combustion chamber with a sizable observation window, creating a closely controlled environment. The chamber also includes specialized specimen holders to ensure the consistent application of flame for thorough testing.
Common Reasons for FMVSS 302 Testing
When designing innovative new materials intended for auto interior applications, a flammability test is critical. FMVSS 302 testing will verify whether components are rated for fire safety in vehicle interiors, ensuring compliance with manufacturing regulations and providing valuable insight into how a given piece will react when exposed to heat or a direct ignition source. Designers searching for more advanced flame retardant materials may also consider FMVSS 302 testing as a valuable baseline.
Because flammability testing is so vital for protecting the occupant compartments of motor vehicles, components run through FMVSS 302 testing include seat belts, seat covers, cushions, foam, trim panels and armrests.
Other Tests Performed With FMVSS 302
VTEC Laboratories also provides many other flammability tests in accordance with ISO and other standards. In addition to FMVSS 302 testing, many manufacturers of auto and transport components test for the presence of noxious fumes as materials burn. Some assemblies may include components requiring different testing standards, such as the elastomeric materials used in car seat cushions (test ASTM C1166).
With our advanced facilities, VTEC Laboratories can perform custom testing suited to the standards of more than 20 high-profile organizations. We can evaluate and deliver expert reports on virtually anything, from air quality to weathering.
For more information on FMVSS 302 or any of our other testing capabilities, call 718-542-8248 or contact us online to request a quote today.
Learn More About the FMVSS Testing VTEC Offers
Are you not finding the test method that your company needs? Contact us today to talk to a representative about how we can help you. With custom testing capabilities and a large number of test methods we perform frequently, we can adapt to your needs. At VTEC Laboratories, our role as a multi-functional company stems from our more than three decades of experience. Due to our extensive expertise in multiple industries, we provide comprehensive services that meet each field’s unique standards, needs, and objectives.
Learn more about our services by contacting us online or calling us at (718) 542-8248.