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ASTM D635 Tests Burning Rate and Characteristics of Plastics

Understanding a material's flammability is necessary before it is used as a building material or made into product parts. The test for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position — also called the ASTM D635 test — was developed to assess the burning characteristics of a plastic material. VTEC Laboratories offers ASTM D635 as one of our many fire and flammability testing services for municipalities, the military and other industries.

What Is ASTM D635?

ASTM D635 testing determines the rate of burning for plastics. It's done on polymeric materials in a bar form used in parts of appliances and other devices. The test analyzes the response of the plastic material under heat and flame conditions, and the results indicate their flammability for certain applications. You can use the results to compare materials or assess production and quality controls.

The ASTM D635 test is required by the International Building Code (IBC) for plastics that transmit light and the Florida Building Code (FBC) High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) to ensure the material meets the qualifications for an Approved Plastic.

ASTM D635 — Test Procedures and Results

The purpose of the ASTM D635 test is to create a reenactment of fire conditions to determine the material's flammability and hazards. Variables of the test, like specimen size and energy source, need to be constant to yield the best results.

During the test, the plastic material will be situated horizontally, so one end is supported and the other end is free. A gas flame will be exposed to the free end for 30 seconds. Then, the flame is removed so the extent of and time spent burning can be observed. The average burning rate is 100 millimeters from the burned end.

The results of the test — burning rate and time — indicates flammability, and they can be used to classify the material as CC2, HB or CC1, according to the appendix. The plastic material is considered acceptable depending on how it will be used in the equipment and if it meets the standards for that equipment. The burning rate will be affected by the plastic's density, thickness, anisotropy and pigments, so the ASTM D635 results should only be compared to similar materials.

Other Tests Used With Rate of Burning for Plastics Testing

Because ASTM D635 does not incorporate all the factors that determine a plastic material's fire risk, other tests may be necessary, including:

  • ASTM D1929
  • ASTM D3801
  • ASTM D2843
  • ASTM D648
  • ASTM D5025

ASTM D635 is considered the technical equivalent of IEC 60695-11-10, test method A.

VTEC Is Your Trusted ASTM D635 Testing Service

VTEC Laboratories is an ISO 17065, 17020 and 17025-accredited laboratory with a range of capabilities for materials testing, thermal analysis and fire and flammability testing. Our state-of-the-art equipment and trained engineers can conduct ASTM D635 tests or any other custom test. Our 30 years of experience and cost-effective testing services are why we are the leading testing laboratory.

Request a free quote for ASTM D635 testing service or contact VTEC for more information.

Learn More About VTEC Services

At VTEC Laboratories, our role as a multi-functional company stems from our more than three decades of experience. Due to our extensive expertise in multiple industries, we provide comprehensive services that meet each field’s unique standards, needs and objectives.

Learn more about our services by contacting us online or calling us at (718) 542-8248.