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ASTM E814 — Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems

If a fire were to break out in your facility, would your building be able to protect the lives and property inside? Installing fire-rated firestop systems is essential for containing fires before they can cause excessive damage.

ASTM E814 is a test that evaluates a firestop under fire conditions to determine if it will gain the firestop status. The experts at VTEC Laboratories can perform this essential test on your firestop system.

What Is a Firestop System?

A firestop system is a mechanism that passively prevents fires from spreading throughout a building. It does this by sealing openings between panels or joints in fire-resistant walls and floors. They also detect and notify you when there is a fire, and they are used in the openings of fire-resistant floors and walls.

Buildings must install firestops in the following locations:

  • Joints
  • Pipe or membrane penetrations
  • Tops of walls
  • Slab edges
  • Curtain walls

A firestop system can take the form of a sealant, pillow, pipe collar or composite sheet. Common firestop materials include non-flammable substances such as:

  • Rubber
  • Silicones
  • Mineral fibers
  • Cementitious mortar
  • Intumescents

All firestops, including those made from materials not listed above, are subject to ASTM E814 testing requirements.

What Is the ASTM E814 Firestop Test?

The ASTM E814 testing standard determines a firestop system's performance through two separate tests — a time-temperature fire test and a hose stream test. The firestop system must pass both tests to be listed by the UL. Some building codes may require that the F and T ratings are equal.

The time-temperature fire test records the time the firestop system can prevent the fire from passing through to the non-fireside of the test setup. The test is complete once the flame is on the non-fireside. Each firestop system receives two ratings:

  • F rating: The F rating measures how the flames affect the firestop system's non-fireside surface by rounding down to the last completed hour.
  • T rating: The T rating measures the time it takes for the non-fireside surface temperature to rise by more than 325 degrees Fahrenheit above its starting point.

After completing the time-temperature phase, ASTM E814 requires a hose stream test to be performed on the same test assembly. This second phase determines the firestop's ability to resist an external force as well as its structural integrity after exposure to realistic fire conditions — a crucial consideration, as a firestop system must work properly in harsh conditions.

It determines the system's resistance to an external force and integrity after heat exposure from the fire, as it is crucial for the firestop system to work properly in harsh conditions.

Goal of the firestop systems

Scope of the Firestop Test

The ultimate goal of the ASTM E814 fire rating test is to collect data that will help determine how suitable a firestop system is for maintaining the fire-resistance rating of a wall or floor assembly. This test applies to most firestops.

The following goals fall outside the firestop testing scope:

  • Determining whether a firestop system is fit for use after the testing period
  • Protecting membrane openings in regular load-bearing walls
  • Sealing membrane gaps in floor-ceiling installations

ASTM E814 Firestop System Testing Procedure

Here is a quick breakdown of the typical ASTM E814 testing procedure:

  • Developers build a test assembly resembling the test surface, including all firestops.
  • The test assembly is placed in the furnace and outfitted with thermocouples.
  • The furnace ignites and remains lit until the end of the testing period.
  • The test assembly is removed from the furnace and a hose stream is applied for a predetermined amount of time according to the standard.
  • The penetrating items are inspected for intactness on both the exposed and non-fireside surfaces.
  • After some calculations, you will arrive at your F and T ratings.

Many organizations lack the materials and space to perform this testing themselves, which is why working with a trusted independent laboratory like VTEC is the best way to go about it.

Your Laboratory for Firestop Testing & Analysis

As an established leader with more than 30 years in the standardized material testing industry, we at VTEC are dedicated to providing reliable testing services for organizations of all sizes. We have a vast range of testing capabilities, from materials testing to thermal analysis  — however, if such standard tests do not meet your organization's specific needs, we can create a custom test for you. We also offer inspection, labeling and listing services for clients needing additional assistance.

Besides testing, we also have services for inspections, labeling and listing.

Our laboratory is accredited to ISO 17025, 17020, 17065 and A2LA, allowing us to conduct tests that meet the requirements for:

  • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
  • The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Our experience and credentials are why we are trusted by the United States Navy and Coast Guard as well as the building departments of Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Wisconsin and Denver.

VTEC Laboratories is your partner for ASTM E814 testing. Learn more about our time-temperature fire test or schedule a free consultation by calling 718-542-8248 or contacting us online today.

Contact Vtec for ASTM E814 Testing

Other Test Methods Used With Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems ASTM E814

For a comprehensive fire risk assessment, ASTM E814 should be used in conjunction with other tests that assess related factors. Some of these tests include:

  • E2226 for hose stream applications
  • E176 for fire standard terminology
  • E119 for fire tests on building construction materials

Learn More About VTEC Services

At VTEC Laboratories, our role as a multi-functional company stems from our more than three decades of experience. Due to our extensive expertise in multiple industries, we provide comprehensive services that meet each field’s unique standards, needs and objectives.

Learn more about our services by contacting us online or calling us at (718) 542-8248.