Air Quality Testing

VTEC has extensive capabilities to evaluate most Gas Samples for Compositional Breakdown, Priority Pollutants, HAPs, Solvent Residues or any other compounds potentially affecting your air quality.
Indoor Air Quality Testing Laboratory
Sampling can be done with Personal Air Monitors, Summa Canisters, Thermal Desorption Tubes or selective Adsorbent Tubes to isolate the specific material to be tested; and a variety of analytical tools based on NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infra-Red), GC/TCD-HID (Gas Chromatography w Thermal Conductivity and Helium Ionization Detectors) and GC/MSD (Gas Chromatography with Mass-Selective Detector) to generate the most accurate data at the lowest detection limits.
Let VTEC's expertise spanning over 100 years in most air quality and hygiene applications help you address your concerns and needs!
Custom Air Quality Projects
If you need a specialized air quality testing, VTEC Laboratories can assist. Our experienced team can help you identify concerns under designated conditions, as well as develop and test a range of solutions to meet your company’s goals. We complete all testing and related functions in-house. Field engineers are also available to collect samples anywhere in the world.
Request an Air Quality Quote
At VTEC Laboratories, our knowledgeable team offers more than 30 years of experience.
Contact or call us at (718) 542-8248 for a quote today!