The Importance of ISO 17025 Lab Accreditation
DECEMBER 1, 2023Many industries use testing to get unbiased assessments of their products. Testing can cover anything from quality and conformance to safety and calibration. While companies often turn to labs to accomplish this,  laboratories that offer testing as a service must meet the criteria for performing these experiments. Many laboratories prove their testing qualification through accreditation. Specifically, calibration laboratories need certification for the ISO 17025 standard. ISO/IEC 17025 is accredited...

Lithium-Ion Battery Fires
JUNE 1, 2023Lithium-ion batteries are rising in popularity due to their superior performance and long-lasting capabilities. However, these batteries present several safety concerns for people, especially those who use electronic mobility devices...

NFPA 285 Testing Information
DECEMBER 22, 2022Building regulations and codes exist to keep people safe. Poor building practices put occupants at risk and can turn small issues into massive emergencies. By following the right building codes...

The Importance of ISO 17020 Lab Accreditation
JUNE 29, 2022The International Organization for Standardization develops international standards, some of which are specific and strict regulations inspection bodies must follow to obtain ISO accreditation. These standards ensure organizations perform evaluations...
The Importance of ISO 17065 Lab Accreditation
JUNE 29, 2022Consumers are more likely to purchase products or services from the brands and companies they know they can trust. When a product or service is certified by an accredited organization,...
How to Determine Product Safety Standards
APRIL 27, 2021Identify Safety Standards & Test Services with VTEC Labs One of the most crucial parts of the development stage is identifying, understanding and meeting all required safety standards for new...
Flammability Standards for Building Materials
MARCH 25, 2021Promote Safety – Flammability Testing For Building Materials Construction is one of the most stimulating aspects of a functioning economy. New construction projects provide people with places to live and...
Why Fire and Flammability Testing Is Essential
DECEMBER 26, 2017Why Fire and Flammability Testing Is Essential Today, international and federal standards require many industries to test and evaluate their product or material’s reaction when exposed to fire. While that...